Monday, June 20, 2011

Christine Quinn FAILED NYers CityTime BigTime Plus Preet Bharara Why No Indictments of NYC Gov Workers That Aided and Abetted SAIC and a hierarchy of theft for so long?

DOI had head of Office of Payroll Whistle Blower Hero Richard Valchich’s letter  for 10 years and DID NOTHING?

Why didn’t Rose Gill Hearn, Mike Bloomberg and Bill Thompson do nothing when the head of OPA Richard Vaichich blew the whistle? True or False Christine Quinn Mike Bloomberg’s puppet brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTime and Richard Valcich's letter was compelling enough to take action ---  Quinn failed or help Bloomberg, Mark Page 
SAIC enablers and don’t forget Rudy’s best friend Peter Powers a lobbyist for SAIC.  Mike acted like SAIC was heroin and Mike was a drug king pin. We want a full refund.   50 mill contract Mike was forced to cancel 2 and half weeks ago with SAIC not CityTime.  This was not discussed at Friday’s SAIC Shareholder meeting.

p.s. I left out Mark Page!!!!!!!!!!  Bloomberg appointed Mark to the MTA board and Deputy mayor Harris’s husband and their son is head of IT cozy.  Did Mark Page and Harris’s husband try and push through the SAIC MTA deal we all fought tooth and nail? The MTA decided if SAIC over ran their budget all the bills would go to the NY Gov. meaning the tax payers! Greg Mocker of WPIX reported this.  Also remember DiNapoli killed the deal and SAIC and MTA were still trying to push through that deal!

On a humorous note an admiring individual said I want to have Preet Bharara’s baby!  Trouble is a guy said that to me.   Just a moment of humor....

Scroll down to 2nd article and find this sentence....
A more damning assessment is hard to imagine - but in all the City Council oversight hearings about CityTime the past few years, no one at OPA or City Hall ever mentioned the Valcich letter.

Question from Suzannah B. Troy....

Why no indictments of any one working for NYC gov that aided and abetted CityTime and allowed CityTime to flourish all these years....?

"The CityTime project was corrupted to its core by one of the largest and most brazen frauds ever committed against the city of New York," Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said.

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